[Note: one of my colleagues from work is traveling with his wife in Austria and they met Parker at church on Sunday - they sent the pictures included here and the note added at the end of this post - Scott]
We had another great week here. I am pretty sure that it rained for at least four days straight but we still aren't sick somehow. Seeing dads boss in church was pretty fun. I think the ward here might think that they were my parents so I might have to clear that up later but oh well.
My first district meeting went really well. Our district is really amazing and the other missionaries always teach really inspiring parts in district meetings. I am really enjoying my calling.
Mom, I have the same problem as you. As soon as I sit down to write I forget everything that happened and I don't know what to say anymore. I did meet a really interesting guy on the street. His name was Valentin. But that is just his street name. He asked us if we could give him some cigarettes but then he was interested in who we are. He kept saying "street life is rough man... street life." He also kept forgetting what he had already said so when I called him by name he almost freaked out. I asked him what my street name would be and, without hesitation, he said "Wolfstein." So I guess that is my official street name. He was a really funny guy with a lot of problems. It was sad having to tell him that we couldn't help him get off the street because he didn't want to stop stealing from people. But he was nice.

We had a lesson with a woman named A----- this week. She was referred to us by some members in Vienna and she is really nice. We are having a hard time getting her to understand exactly what our expectations are, but we watched the restoration film with her and she said she was really touched. We also committed her to coming to church but for some reason she just didn't show up. But her friend in Vienna invited her to a fireside with several general authorities speaking and she is excited to go with her friend. Just goes to show the power that a friend has in inviting others to learn about the church.
We are doing well. We do a lot of street contacting and trying to get in contact with old investigators and we get rained on a lot, but I love it. Sorry that there isn't too much to say about this last week. Oh! I got a call from pres. Miles the other day and he gave me permission to skype with M and L since they got baptized. I am excited for that. We just have to organize it with Elder Sardoni in Konstanz. So that is how things are.
I hope that you all have a great week. I love you all!
Elder Eldredge
I finally have Internet access so I can write more about seeing Elder Eldredge this morning. Their meetings started at 9:00 but we were late and got there by 10:00. The branch meets on the third floor of a building used by businesses. It wasn't easy to find, but eventually we got there. The branch is very small, there were about 25 people present.
When we got there we introduced ourselves and asked where Elder Eldredge was. I guess what every parent wants to hear is that their missionary looks well, which he was. Eileen and I were very impressed with his German, in particular his pronunciation which is very close to native (and much better than mine). He and his companion are the only missionaries in St. Pölten and spend most of their time doing "bus tracking" which appears to be a way to approach people who are "trapped" on the bus. I asked if they did any door-to-door tracking and he said that they didn't.
In any case I hope that you and your wife like the picture. I can give you a bigger version when I get home.
Best regards,
Bill Lund