The work here is going really well. There are a good number
of investigators who really love the church. We have a good friend named L--- who learned about the church while he was an exchange student in Wyoming and we
overheard him talking to the bishop about baptismal interviews. He is 17 and
likes us a lot. We also taught a really funny lesson with two guys from nigeria
amed C--- and F----. I am still getting used to carrying my english
scriptures around and teaching everything in english. I had a really hard time
singing the hymns in english and I found myself trying to use german
Our ward is awesome as well. There are tons of YSA guys who
like the missionaries. We have members from all over. Some from Fiji, china,
Afrika, Mexico, America, and who knows where else. There are also about 120
active members here. They are awesome.
It sounds like you all had a great week! I can´t believe
that Haley will be having her baby so soon! This transfer won`t even be over by
that time. I will take photos of my apartment today so that I can send them to
you mom! We will also spend some time sight seeing today so I will have some
photos of Vienna next monday. I hope you all have a great week!
Elder Eldredge
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