Hey everyone!
We had a great week over here. We had transfer calls, but
not surprisingly, Elder Nelson and I are staying together for my last transfer.
I am really happy about that. I would have been sad to go somewhere else. Elder
Nelson is awesome as well so I am happy that he will by my last
We had a really good zone training meeting last Tuesday.
Elder Nelson and I got to teach for a few minutes about the pre-earth life. It
went well and people were taking notes so we took that as a good sign. The
mission has also started a new rule that we speak German from nine in the
morning until nine at night. It is really fun to "have" to speak
German all day. I already feel more confident than I did before while speaking
It is a pretty strange feeling being in my last transfer
already. This month is already flying by and I can barely keep track of the
days anymore. I am really optimistic about it all and I am happy to work my
We ate dinner with one of the members of our ward this week
and we were sharing favorite scriptures with each other. I was really impressed
with what he shared with us. He comes from a difficult background and was
chased out of his country a long time ago. He shared Fourth Nephi 1:17
17 There were no robbers, nor murderers, neither were there
Lamanites, nor any manner of -ites; but they were in one, the children of
Christ, and heirs to the kingdom of God.
He said that he can't wait until the time with this becomes
a reality with us. I think that even though we need to be patient for the time
when we are all one again, we can try our best to create Zion in our own homes.
I am glad to have a family where life is about as close to perfect as it gets
in this life, and where we are all together.
I hope that you all have a great week! I love you all!
Elder Eldredge