Last week was awesome! We saw tons of cool stuff! On tuesday we had a really good zone training in Winterthur. We talked a lot about missionary work just like at your meeting dad! On wednesdays we have lunch every week with a family from peru. It is awesome because the son is crazy and we are constantly trying to stop him from throwing heavy toy dinosaurs at us. But, the highlight of the week was when we got to work with President and Sister Miles! We had a lesson with the Luna family and the Miles' really wanted to meet them. It was a bit hectic getting everybody to meet in the same spot because we were supposed to meet in the middle of the old city where getting lost is far too easy, but it worked out great. The Lunas love the Miles and President gave them a mormon tabernacle choir CD. After the lesson President took us to dinner at a pretty nice restaurant. It was really fun to sit and talk with them outside of a meeting setting.
The next highlight was church! First, I need to tell about our friend B-----. A few weeks ago, a guy, B-----, said hi to us and asked where the church was because he just moved here and wanted to come. That next week he came and he brought his friend A-----. A----- doesn't speak german but he loved church and he said that we wanted to be a member. Well, this week he came again and we made sure that the meeting was translated for him. He was so happy about everything that was said. He lives in switzerland so we wouldn't normally teach him, but because he is from Africa and speaks crazy english, the other german elders can't understand a word that he says, so we are teaching him.
Those are just a few of the many cool success stories from the last week in Konstanz. I really really still love it here and it is getting really pretty with the weather warming up. We were in a place called Allensbach last night and it is right on the upper part of the Bodensee. Luckily the sun was setting just as we got there and we got to see how pretty it was. I am really blessed to be able to work in such a great area and mission.
Coming up on my year mark is a weird feeling. I am still not sure if I believe it or not. I keep seeing the date on my scripture a day calendar and I keep wanting the date to be the same when I flip the page, but it has never happened so far.
Happy birthday Crew! I can't believe that you are seven years old now! Pretty soon those kids won't be kids anymore.
I am happy that you all seemed to have had a great week full of driving from party to party and all that kind of stuff. I hope that you all have another great week! Love you all!
Elder Eldredge


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