Hi Everybody!
Out with the old... |
It's been another great week
out here! I am now working with Elder Sardoni and we are having a lot of fun!
On thursday I sent Elder Gubler back home and picked up elder Sardoni in
Munich. That was one of those bitter-sweet days because I am sad that I can't
work with Elder Gubler anymore but Elder Sardoni is also really funny. I drove
all the way to Munich and back and we carried Elder Sardoni's stuff to the
apartment and headed out again to to talk on the streets.
While Elder Sardoni and I were
out talking to people we decided to say hi to one of our members who lived close
to where we were. She asked us if we had already visited deisy, another member
in our ward. We told her that we hadn't but we thought it would be a good idea.
So we went to deisy's apartment and knocked on the door. We heard deisy ask who
it was so we said "It's the Elders!" We then heard her get excited
and come to the door. When she opened the door she said to us, "Elders! I
can't believe you came! I was just praying for help when you knocked on the
door!" Her son, Nico, was really really sick. He had been sick for a few
days and he looked like it too. We told her that we would give her son a
blessing, but we couldn't go into the house because she had no husband there.
We quickly got the other elders so that we were allowed to go in. Deisy asked me
to give the blessing. I was pretty nervous but I knew that I could do it. While
giving the blessing I had the distinct feeling that he would be healthy again.
I promised him that he would be healed and ended the blessing. As soon as we
were done he already seemed to have more energy and color in his face. We also
checked up on them the next day and Nico was his old playful four year old self
In with the new! |
I really learned a lot from
this experience about being spiritually prepared. If I hadn't been keeping my
commandments and staying worthy of my calling, I would have never been able to
experience the power of God work through me.
Those videos of the kids are
pretty darn cute! Ainsley has such a beautiful singing voice! I couldn't
believe it! I also like Graysons up-beat style! It is too bad that everybody is
sick. That must not be very fun! I hope that you all start feeling better soon!
Working with Elder Sardoni has
been tons of fun already! He has been on his mission for almost 7 months now.
It feels a lot different being the senior companion now. I am learning a lot of
new things now that I am the one who has to take more of a leading role. It is
really fun and I am trying my best to be the best example and teacher that I
can. We are working really hard on german together because Elder Sardoni has
been in an english speaking ward for his whole mission so he needs a little bit
of catching up but he is doing really really well already. He knows more and
more words every day. I will send a picture of me and Elder Sardoni and one
with me and Elder Gubler in munich.
I hope that you all have a
great week! I pray for you and love you all!
Elder Eldredge
P.S. Dad, would you mind making a line of authority for me?
I have always wanted to see what mine is. Thanks!