
Hong Kong looks pretty awesome! I did think that Typhoons were a bigger deal than that. But I'm glad that you survived. This week was a pretty awesome week! We played ultimate frisbee for P-day in the rain. I had a really fun time even though it was a bit slower paced game than I am used to. We had district meeting in Wels this week and we ordered some pizzas from Pizza Mann. That was pretty fun, and we had a finding day after the meeting. I got to talk to this african woman who had two kids named Miracle and Marvelous. She was way cool obviously.

We met with B------ a few times this week. The first time we just had a nice lesson about trusting in the lord. it went well and then he asked us if we could come by some time soon and build his Ikea kitchen for him. So we spend about six hours on saturday, after our street display, building his kitchen. It looks pretty good now even though it took forever to put together. Bernhard was also able to come to church this sunday! But he had to bring his dog with, and his dog is insane. It just runs in circles and barks all the time. He also goes crazy if b----- isn't right there. So i spent the first 30 minutes of church standing outside holding his dog on a leash so that b----- could go inside. I would have just tied him to something but there was this hugenormous dog that kept coming by, and i think he wanted to eat quincy (b------'s dog) and he was kinda aggressive. But pretty soon the huge dog left so i just tied quincy up and went inside and ignored him. Besides that church was great! We had our investigator class, and the teacher asked b-------- what he knew about temples, so b------ went on for a few minutes talking about all the different things we do in the temple, why we have them, and about who could or couldn't go. Our ward members were pretty impressed by how much he already knows about the church. It will only be a few weeks until he is baptised. We just have to find a place to bring his dog on sundays.
Things are still pretty quite in the companionship but i have grown to sort of enjoy it a bit. I get to read alot more at nights now. Speaking of reading, I finished the book of Mormon in german this morning! Now i am going to finish the New Testament, and I am already close to finishing Luke. It also shouldn't be long before I finish Jesus the Christ.
We had a street display on saturday and all the missionaries in the district came to help. Our favorite member, Günter, came as well. It was pretty cool but the weather wasn't the best so not to many people were out. It was still a really good time though.
Well that was my life this last week. Lots of work and lots of rain. Just like most weeks. Thanks for writing and for the pictures. I will send my pictures as soon as I find a bubble wrap envelope. Until next week then.
Love you all,
Elder Eldredge
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