Hello Family!
Austria is awesome!!! As much as I loved Konstanz, I love
being back home. My companion, Elder Buckley, is a way nice guy. He is really
tall too so he makes me look somehow shorter. He is still really new in the
mission so he hasn't seen much outside of Vienna but he is doing really well
and is willing to work hard. St. Pölten is a pretty cool place! The city's
inner part is really pretty which makes up for the outskirts which are,
well.... less pretty. But I still love it and the people here are really nice
which is the most important thing. I have already met a good amount of our
members even though we didn't have church. We worked with our ward mission
leader, Bro. Hirschmann, and his family on friday while we helped clean a
lady's garden. His parents are really really old and have this cool old house.
The father was even branch president in Haag a long time ago so they were
excited to here that I know everybody there. We are given a lot of food here.
In my first two days I ate so much sausage and red cabbage that it hurt. I love
austrian food! This area is like Haag because we do a lot of service in small
little villages. When we worked in the lady's garden, we were right next to the Donau, in the middle of a lot of really pretty mountains with castles on top of
them. It was pretty cool. Sadly, though, I can't send photos this week because
the computers in the church here go way slow when we try. But there will be
some next week.
General conference was really great! We watched the saturday
morning session on saturday night at one of our members, and watched the rest
(besides sunday morning) at the stake center in Vienna. It was great because
most of our zone was there and many were old friends so we got to catch up and
stuff like that. Our zone is really great.
Oh ya, before I left Konstanz we had a lesson with the L----s
so that I could say goodbye to them. They are doing great and they said that
they had prayed about Joseph Smith and that they knew he was a prophet! They
are both really really excited for their baptism. I won't be able to visit them
because they are far away and we can only visit baptisms in our district now.
But I gave them my E-mail so hopefully I will hear from them soon.
The work here seems to be going pretty well. The members are
excited and willing to help. One member, Bro. Bauer, takes us around on fridays
with his car so that we can visit potentials and investigators. There is a lot
of organizing that needs to be done here though. There seems to be a lot of
phone numbers to people who we don't know and things like that. But I am
excited to get this area on fire. I can tell it has a lot of potential and I
think that many of the lessons I learned in Haag about finding people where
there aren't people will come in handy.
I love you all!
Elder Eldredge
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