Where he is going! |
Well, it is time to say goodbye to austria :'( But I get to
say hello to Germany and Switzerland! Ah yeeeaaahhhhh! I am a lucky guy. I will
be one of very few americans who ever see swiss alps! I am going to a place
called konstanz. It is in germany right on the edge of Bodensee, and it is a
part of the St. Gallen stake which means that P-days, district meetings, zone
training/conference, and interviews will all be in Switzerland! The wife of the
missionary couple in linz was actually baptized in konstanz, and she said that
it is the most gorgeous place! It is right on the water and there are swans
everywhere! Well I am excited!
But life at home looks pretty fun! One of the Elders in our
district is pretty jealous of ben being able to be on the field and do that
stuff. Those twins look pretty cute! And big too! Before i get home they will
probably speak better english than I do!
We have been passing out a lot of invites to our
german/english class for the last two or three weeks and our first one
was this thursday. Only two people showed up and one of them needed to learn
german and the other wanted to learn english. so we did a small split class. I
was trying to teach this guy german but he didn't know english and he didn't
bring a dictionary for armenian so there were a few times when I got pretty
animated and it probably looked like we were playing sharades instead of
working. But he was cool and we ended up getting onto the topic of religion but
he said that he wouldn't care if the book of mormon was true or not so I
couldn't do to much for him before it was time to go. But he will come this
week again and bring his wife so that is good.
Some things never change! |
B----- is doing really good lately! he came to both sessions of our stake conference and got to know a lot of people. He really likes wearing a cross because it's black and matches his jacket so it is funny to see him. He keeps asking why nobody else wears them even after we have explained it to him several times, but that is ok. He promised me the other day that he would read the entire triple combination that I gave to him, which is good because his only problem is that he has less desire to study the scriptures but he is getting better at it. Only two weeks until his baptism and than he can work on getting to the temple!
A little more detail |
Yesterday we had the second half of stake conference in wels
at 10 in the morning so we went there and all of the missionaries in the whole
zone came and that was really great to see a lot of them before we all go off
to other places. After the meeting there was lunch at the ward building in wels
so everybody went there, and since it was sunday there weren't very many trains
so we had to wait until almost four to catch a train so we got to talk to a lot
of people in those hours. It was really fun though and I got to say goodbye to
the members in haag before I go.
Well that was my week this week! alot of meetings and
learning! It looks like you all are doing well and having fun! I miss you and
will talk to you all next week!
would you like a chicago bulls hat? I'm pretty sure that's
all they sell here because every turkish kid has one. and have fun with
baseball before it finishes up for a while. Tell lisel hi, and that she is
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