Hi everybody!
This week was really crazy! On monday we all played ping
pong and other games as a district before alot of people left. It was fun but
it was also pretty sad because until this transfer our district had remained
pretty similar. So it was sad to have our last P-day together. On tuesday we
had our zone training in salzburg which takes pretty much all day because of
the travel time but it was still really cool and we had a good time. We all
thought that they would announce when we would get Ipads because on our
schedule it said "surprise," but apparantly the surprise was that we
get to watch a mormon message together. I got all worked up for nothing. But it
was a really cool video anyway. Wednesday was the last day that E. Stilger and
I spent together but we just did a lot of packing and cleaning and paperwork so
that E. Stilger could go to germany. We normally would have spread that stuff
out in the week before transfer day but because we had meetings and stuff we
never got the time. Thursday was the fun day. I woke up really early to go sit
on a train for four hours, which wasn't that bad because most of our district
was there and we got to talk a bit. When we got to salzburg I sent E. Stilger
off to germany and still had about four hours before my new companion
I've got to make a space in this story so that it's not just
one giant paragraph.... So I spent my four hours hanging out with my zone
leaders and some other missionaries that had to wait as well. We walked around
salzburgs city center and saw some really cool buildings and alot of asian
people with cameras.
Then my new companion came. His name is E. Armstrong. It is
his third time in this area so he pretty much knows everybody and everything.
That is a bit strange for me because i thought that i would be taking over my
area after E. Stilger but it turns out that i still don't get to do that. But
that is alright. E. Armstrong is really cool, and very very very very very
clean. Our apartment is sparkling. Other than the fact that he is really clean
I don't really know much about him. He doesn't talk much unless it is to
members or people he has known for a long time i guess. I keep trying to make
conversation but i just get one word answers so the conversation dies pretty
quick. But I am sure that will get better with time.
For the rest of the week we just worked and visited a bunch
of people that I didn't know existed but E. Armstrong knew them before. We have
been meeting with B----- and he is doing really awesome. He should be
baptized on the 13th or the 20th of October! But he still needs to pick between
the two days. He called me the other night because he was so excited about the
fact that he had gone three days without drinking or smoking, and that this
week he is throwing out the coffee. So he is doing really well.
At church I taught a class about faith on Jesus Christ to
the 8-9 year olds in my ward. They were pretty funny and it went pretty well.
In sacrament meeting I gave a talk on how to develop a testimony. It was going
pretty well and I had it pretty planned out. But then, as i was reading a quote
from PMG I started to feel really hot and then i noticed i had said the same
word like five times. The next thing i knew i was on the floor with a few ward
members surrounding me. I had blacked out infront of my entire ward! Oh man it
makes me laugh! Apparantly my cookie crisps didn't give me all the nutrients my
body needs. Luckily my ward is really awesome and they just made sure i was ok
by giving me whatever snacks their children were probably wanting. My bishop
said that i get to try again another time. Also I am apparantly not the first
one to faint at that pulpit. A year a go, a high council member did it, and
when he got back up he tried to keep speaking but blacked out again. So now
Haag will always remember me.
I went on the rest of the day as normal with eating
appointments and going by on a family who weren't able to come to church
because they're old and were in too much pain. I was fine but i had a pretty
bad headache so I went to bed right after planning and writing in my
Well that was how my week was. Lot's of new stuff and alot
of fun as always. Sounds like everybody is having a lot of fun with school
starting and all of that stuff. I miss you and love you all. Thanks for being
the best family!
Elder Eldredge