Hey everybody!
This picture was sent to us by Brother Cleavinger, the Ward Mission Leader. |
Sorry but I can´t send any photos today because my camera
turned on in my bag and it is all out battery. But next week I promise!
I am all comfortable here in Vienna now. I really love it
here. We had a lesson with a woman named N---. She is from Peru and we are
planning on giving her a baptismal date on Wednesday. We also have a lesson
planned for Friday where we are hoping to give L----
a baptismal date. Those two
were at church yesterday and they are doing great.
We had a really great eating appointment yesterday with our
ward mission leader Bro. Cleavinger. It was really great because they are from
our valley and love everything america. We had a Sunday roast, and we have
already planned our next two meals with them. J-dawgs, and cafe Rio. They also
sent us home with tons of american candy. Bro. Cleavinger also wants to give us
a Christmas gift by paying for a package back to you, so let me know what stuff
you want in the package.
We have already got a good week planned and I am excited for
it all. One of my favorite things about Vienna is all of the transportation
that is everywhere. It is a lot better than walking everywhere.
Today we are going to a park to throw a Frisbee and play
games. It should be a lot of fun, and luckily the weather cleared up since this
morning. The weather was nice all week though. Not too hot, and not too
I hope you all have a great week! Love you all!
Elder Eldredge