Hello family!
It sounds like you had another action packed week! Sounds
like Ben did a great job in his tournament! It has been really hot over here
for the last few days. At the beginning of the week it rained a lot but then
the sun came out and stayed out. We had to pull out the fans for our apartment
because it gets so hot, but luckily we are one the first floor so we don't have
the heat from the other apartments. There were a lot more people out this week
because the weather was so nice, well... I guess it was nice if you don't have
to wear a tie all day.
Our district is really great! We started eating lunch
together on tuesday before district meetings and it is really fun to get to
know everybody. This week the senior missionaries in our district, the Strongs,
will be heading home and we are all really sad about it. But the replacements,
the Parkers, are here. They are from Alpine. I am excited to meet them
Elder Buckley and I are doing great. He is starting to leave
his golden zone and is talking to more and more people. His German is getting
much better as well. He will probably be leaving here pretty soon. Transfers
are in three weeks and he has already been here for four transfers. But who
knows, maybe he will stay. Speaking of people leaving, the Miles' are going to
be going home really soon. We will have a conference in about two weeks and
that will be the last that we see them before they go home. It is a little
strange to be getting a new mission president but I am sure we will love him
and his wife just as much as the Miles'.
We found a guy named M----- last week and we taught him this
week. He is 17 and really cool. He is just excited to learn more about Christ
and wants to learn our message. We watched the restoration film with him and he
really liked it. He is on a trip this week to france but when he comes back we
will keep teaching. He seems like a really great investigator.
Things here are just great. We are having a bit of a hard
time finding people to teach but it will all work out. As long as we do our
best the Lord will do the rest. I hope that you all have a great week! I love
you all!
Elder Eldredge