This week was awesome! All of our members have been giving
us tons of candy and things for Christmas! We got tons more Oreos yesterday and
the other Elders got a lot of chocolate. It is going to be an unhealthy week.
Luckily Elder Nelson and I run a lot!

Our Christmas week is going to be a lot of fun as well! We
will be with the Picard family on Christmas eve, the Cleavingers on Christmas,
the Bakers on the 26th, and another family wants to invite us over as well. It
is going to be a great time. And so that you know, I will be skyping you at
about four in the afternoon, so around eight in the morning for you if I am not
wrong. I hope that you get my package before Christmas. I spoke with Bro.
Cleavinger and he said that he sent it so it should get there soon.
I bet you are all really excited for going to Mexico! It
would be fun to come with you! I love that trip.
Elder Nelson and I are working great together. It is really
fun to be his companion. The work is going well and we are having a good time.
You have probably already seen the video that the church has put out for
Christmas, but if not, it is really great and you should see it.

I hope that you all have a great week! I will see you on
Christmas! Can't wait to talk to you! Love you!
Elder Eldredge